
Abstracts for talks are arranged in order of presentation. Posters follow, ordered alphabetically by the delegate who will be presenting it.

Deadline for abstract submission was:  Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The conference will consist of invited talks, talks selected from contributed abstracts, and posters. Those wishing to contribute oral presentations or posters are invited to submit abstracts.

Abstracts are to be no more than one page in length, with all text and any figures fitting within a portrait-oriented rectangle 4.25" wide and 7.25" high (108 mm wide, 184 mm high). See the examples for further formatting instructions. For the output PDF filename, please use the contributing authors' e-mail address, replacing each punctuation character (@ signs, periods, etc.) with a single hyphen, and add a hyphen and number starting from 1 to identify multiple abstracts from the same corresponding author. Keep the .pdf extension. If this was Professor Bard's second abstract, the filename bbard-unishelby-fr-2.pdf would be appropriate. Example LaTeX and Word files, and an example .pdf output, are linked below:

Please e-mail the printer-ready US letter-size PDF as an attachment to ns2014proc@conferences.triumf.ca on or before April 1, 2014. They will be distributed as submitted, at full size and resolultion, to the international advisory committee for consideration. Authors will be notified about the selection for oral presentation on or before May 2, 2014.

UPDATE: The RevTeX4 example does not currently work properly with RevTeX 4.1 {revtex4-1}. A RevTeX4.1 compatible example is now provided. The RevTeX4 version is preferred. Both RevTeX versions may be retrieved from https://journals.aps.org/revtex/revtex-faq .

Program Abstracts, and Conference Guide now online